LongwaveTime HAT


This is a HAT for Raspberry Pi allowing for WWVB, DCF77, MSF, and JJY time signal emulation inspired and equivalent to Henner Zeller’s TxTempus project.

Please note this board is not a stand-alone device but requires either Raspberry Pi (2+) or Raspberry Pi Zero to function. It contains no active components and derives clock from Rasberry Pi it connects to.

LongwaveTime HAT is intended for testing and experimentation. Do not interfere with the official time signal.

Price:$20 order
Difficulty:Easy (SMD 0805)
Time Needed:15 minutes
Package content:1x PCB
1x 2x20-pin connector
1x 100 nF capacitor (0805)
1x 330 Ω resistor (0805)
2x 5.1 kΩ resistors (0805)

For soldering and usage, you can check the following video: